Rabbi Yehoshua Liff, born in Baltimore MD. in 1954, studied in the Mir Yeshivah, Jerusalem and in the US in the Yeshiva of Staten Island. He is a disciple of the late rabbi moshe feinstien rosh hayeshiva and great posek and the mir rosh hayeshivah rabbi chaim shmulevitz received smicha from his rebbe muvhac rabbi reuven feinstien in 1981 teacher educator rebbe for over 30 years founding rosh yeshiva and dean of ner yaakov which he ran for over twenty one years known to have close relationships with his talmidim, presently the masgiach of Yeshivat Kesher Jerusalem editor of sefer zikaron beis abba yaakov published in memory of his late father rabbi abba yaakov liff ram in yeshivas ner yisroel close talmid of Rabbi Itzchak Yaakov Ruderman rabbi liff resides in jerusalems har nof neighberhood together with his Rebbitzen Diane liff , a well known torah teacher and talented graphic artist their six children all live in israel together with bliayin harah many grandchildren who are the greatest fans of his niggunim rabbi liff gives a weekly shmooze in the mir yeshivah and kesher which are recorded and are inspirational many of the niggunim were first authored and taught as a prelude to the shmooz rabbi liff follows in the footsteps of the great lithuainian rosh yehivah who were known to use niggun as a inspiration and opening of the hearts of their talmidim such as rav baruch ber lebovitz of kaimnetz and rav moshe shmuel shapiro of ber yaakov and rav yitzchak hunter of chaim berlin and hopes that his niggnim might inspire others to connect with the almighty through joy happiness and thanks for all he does for us the producer of the album yerachmiel (rocky) zeigler is well known musican and producer is atalmid of rabbi liff together with the talented young arranger gavriel saxs have created a Jewish music album which is both inspiring true to the words and intent of the tefiilos and tehillim which our greats david hamelech and anshei kennes hagedolah granted us and are simple to connect to hopefully it will be warmly received by all especially his talmidim who are waiting its release this coming year 5772
Click Here To Listen To Rabbi Liff's Famous Chulent Shmoozen!!